

Poems, Stories and more…


February 2022

Here’s to your success!

Last day of February, first day of the week, a few hours away from a new month.

The crossroads in life may not all be about major life changing decisions, but they ever so fill our days with little adjustments of tones and attitudes. Dealing with clients and customers, kids and spouses. Many times our lives revolving around their schedules, while you are just trying to make it through the day.

When you finally get home and have a few moments of peace and quiet, you pass out as if anesthesia was administered to your veins. Once again, another day passed and your dream and vision still on hold, sitting like tired patients waiting for their turn at their doctors office. You know it’s important, you know you want to do it, you are so passionate when you speak about it, but you promise yourself tomorrow will be a better day to start. Besides you already accomplished a lot today, and you did, but not necessarily in that which you your heart yearns to do.

Listen, I’ve been there more times than I can count. For example, just yesterday while in church, they sang an old hymn. Simple, yet reaching your heart and lifting your faith like they usually do. as I hereafter it, it took me back and I remembered my trumpet playing days, and I thought to myself I can play this song in my trumpet, keys are simple, and rhythm mellow, I know I can hit those notes. I saw myself playing it with gusto and bravado. Sing finished, serviced was over and somehow it became an afterthought. Until now, that I’m writing this to you.

What ever happens to our dreams when we leave them there? Years pass, desires fade, but I’ll tell you, give it a go again, and you’ll see that passion flare up like a match on dry wood because dreams come from an eternal place in God. They never grow old or die.

So this Monday morning, I pray for your success, I encourage you to do something for you, and do something you always wanted to do. Take 5 minutes, and just start! Life will take on meaning again. You may even work better at everything else because you can’t wait to get back to do that one thing you long for!

Think of this:

“Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.”

– Wayne Huizenga

Here’s to your success! Have an amazing week!

Friday or Friyay!

Is Friday really that special? Why do we celebrate so much when it gets here? If you work tomorrow Saturday shouldn’t Friday be part of another work day?

We, – and I count myself in this- we are so happy when the weekends come. Yet we have to still pay bills, tend to clients, feed our family, get up and move and get paid.

Nothing drastically changed. Our moods though are different.

What I am beginning to observe in my life is that I should be thankful every day. I should be happy to be alive every day. Not come alive only today, but every day I wake up. The Good Lord has awaken me and has giving me another day. If anything our mood should be happy and outgoing, spontaneous and fun every day. As the saying goes, it’s a gift. The gift of life! You can do something special every day. You can enjoy life every day.

Think of this today, and see if it can apply to every day:

Wake up, get up, turn up.

It’s Monday. It’s morning, you are getting up, and you just regretted why didn’t you go to sleep earlier on Sunday!

This is true. Sometimes though we are having too much fun that we don’t think we need to go to sleep Easley. We forget about tomorrow, we forget that life continues. We forget that tomorrow you will have a set of new hours to live. So you must prepare to do so the night before. In order to wake up fresh the next day.

1. Wake up.

How many times can you recount when you just kind of went trough your day, in a sort of sleepy, groggy, tired way. Just wanting to get the day over with. Been there too many times. You never know what God can do in a day. What opportunities may arise, what circumstances may come and we must be awaken and ready to go. 8 hours of sleep have been scientifically proven to be the best. I done think I have gotten all that sleep lately, but one thing I know, I can’t sleep all day. You must wake up, what ever time you do. Once you are awake, stay awake. I don’t want to wake up to go take a nap in an hour. Although that sounds comfy sometimes. It’s not what you are meant to do.

2. Get up.

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep? What do you do? How do you deal with that? I have realized that once I am awake, even if my alarm has not rang yet. I will get up, and do something that can help me get on my way. Maybe not physically getting out of bed. You can do your reading, your meditation and prayer. There’s even some exercises you can begin right in bed, but if you are going to be tossing and turning. Just get up, wash your face. Start your day. Let’s get moving already!

3. Turn up.

There’s nothing worse than to have peoples body show up to work but their mind is still home, or at the party they had the weekend before, or just somewhere else that’s not where they are. John Maxwell always reminded us, where you are is where you are. Be there. Show up. Give your attention to the present, forget about the past 48 hours, don’t make plans yet about the coming weekend, ( at least not now). Be present, be actively present and ready to contribute to your profession, your kids, your job, your art. What ever it is. Turn up and show out.

Think about this:

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.

-George Eliot

Faith over Fear.

It’s easy to fall back into fear, since fear is conducive to what you see, and Faith moves primarily in the realm of the invisible and intangibles.

While it’s normal to have a reaction of uncertainty when you are confronted with diverse challenges and adverse circumstances. It’s also very possible to stand in faith believing the good report rather than fall victim again to the shackles of fear and dissolution.

It’s easy to find fault and look for ways to blame yourself for the mishaps in our lives. I have been there too many times. Then I remember about this gift of grace. Which by definition means the unmerited favor and love of God.

This is where faith comes in. Like I said, it starts in the realm of the impalpable, it will not stay there. It will manifest and show you the way out and give you peace.

Peace is the first sign that faith, your faith, is working. Peace reminds you who is in control, peace let’s others know you have tapped into your measure of faith. Once you have it, you must build from it.

Remember the mustard seed, though it’s a very small seed, it never stays small. It grows and grows. Jesus compared faith to that powerful strength of that seed.

Fear and doubt in the other hand, begin big, but end up shrinking and disappearing, once you understand more and begin to receive the solution.

They are total opposites, which you have to choose. It’s not easy sometimes, but choose faith today, you will see the best results in your life come to pass in great ways.

Fear and doubt will definitely make more noise, but peace will quite the storm.

Hope this blesses you and helps you have a great weekend! It’s not only Friday. Its faith Friday!!!

Something new, something old.. super bowl is done and no more football.

I am a fan of the sport. Love to see a good game. I am a Miami dolphin fan primarily. Leaving all politics aside. I definitely root for my team, no matter what is going on.

Now that super bowl weekend is passed. And I must admit the halftime show was pretty smooth, it took me back a few years back..

What do we do now? No more football games till August. a void is left, and we are only left to fill it with hopes, and dreams that maybe one day in our lifetime, we will see our team get to the big game.

Coincidentally, my sister in law’s birthday is today. So she is turning a year older, but it’s a new year conversely.

And it hit me. Just because we get older, doesn’t mean we can’t experience newer things. Or begin again. Football season is officially over, yet we have this celebration of life today, that puts all things in perspective for me.

When something finishes, it makes way for something new, fresh, and relevant to transpire in our lives.

Today I just wanted to share with you to keep your heads up, things may come to an end, but Monday is here, a fresh new beginning to do it better and achieve more!

Have a great week!

“Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

It’s Faith Friday!

I want to share with you this today, so you can have better options to choose from. Trusting God is the best alternative to deal with life’s trials and unforeseen circumstances.

3 Aspects of Faith.

We all have the right to our opinions and our way of seeing things. Faith is a very versatile element when you want to put it into action. Faith can do so much for the believer when he intends to stick with it to the end of a matter. I hope these 3 points can help you to walk more by faith instead of what you see with your natural eyes.

I have also written bible verses for you to read and meditate on. So open your bible and Friday become faith friday!

1. Faith is taking God’s word, like a blank check from your billionaire friend, and depositing it into your personal account. Trusting that he sure has the funds, and can do more than you can ever do on your own.

“But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.””

Luke 5:5 NKJV

2. Faith is choosing God’s promise over any lie, falsehood, or cheap offer. There are people who sell Rolex brand watches, but they are fake. And they tell you this is the real fake, not like the other fake fakes, the promise you that they have the good ones, but they are still fake.. There is no time for those things. You are better of staying with the promise. It will surely come.

“And the king of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh (that is, the King’s Valley), after his return from the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him. Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High. And he blessed him and said: “Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; And blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” And he gave him a tithe of all. Now the king of Sodom said to Abram, “Give me the persons, and take the goods for yourself.” But Abram said to the king of Sodom, “I have raised my hand to the Lord, God Most High, the Possessor of heaven and earth, that I will take nothing, from a thread to a sandal strap, and that I will not take anything that is yours, lest you should say, ‘I have made Abram rich’—”

Genesis 14:17-23 NKJV

3. Faith is holding on when it’s easier to let go. God’s promises are yes and amen. He never lies. And if it’s late. Wait for it because it will certainly come, at the perfect time.

“By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.”

Hebrews 11:11 NKJV

Remember what Galatians 6:9 says. Let us not get tired, then, of doing good; for in due time we will reap, if we do not lose heart.

Stay blessed!

3 small tips to overcome Monday blues.

There is a popular tell making its rounds this past couple of weeks, of Teo bachata singers, proclaiming to their smooth dance and beat, how they don’t want to go to work. Well, be pase they were having too much of a good time. The song is catchy, rhythm is just right, and only last but 20 seconds. Perfect for our mind to grab it and put it in loop inside your brain.

Well. It’s Monday morning, and how many times have you woke up and asked yourself where did the weekend go. For a split second you have forgotten where you are and what your aim is at life.

Hopefully I’m not the only one. When you open your eyes, and realize, oh yeah! I have to go do what I do, so I can have fun like I do.

I know, this is a feeling they can happen any day. not just Mondays.

I want to give you 3 things that will help you the moment you wake up, it’s simple, but it also gets me going when my body wants to stay.

Here they are:

1. Remember. Remember what you planned in the last days, the last month. Remember your New Years resolution. Remember what you promised yourself. That opens your eyes really quick.

2. Responsibilities. When you have your word to someone, you know you have to show up. Your kids, your wife, your car note.. lol. Your devotion to God. Your integrity. All worthy things you should respond well to.

3. Reward. This one is a given. Your paycheck, your freedom, your sense of accomplishment. The doors you will open to others, the help you bring to your workplace, your industry. They are expecting to see great things from you.

Let me know if this helps you! Leave us a comment or message.

Thank God for one more day of life. Get out there! Live better, achieve more!

God bless you!

Friday feels

Well. It’s Friday already. Did you get to do all you set out to do this week?

You know in my landscaping business I set my weekly schedule to certain amount of properties by week ends. Sometimes I do it all, but sometimes we get behind because of weather, car trouble, even – and this is one that happens a lot- I get to the clients house and it becomes a bigger job than expected. So there goes my schedule out the door. I have learned to expect these things. So now I always give my self two more, sometimes three days extra to finish a job.

If you didn’t get it done this week and if you are in good health, strong mind and body, don’t frustrate yourself. There is more time, and if your schedule is too tight. You have to add some bumpers, mishaps, and unforeseen circumstances added to your proposals before you start. You’ll be better off for it. The client will be expectant and can see that you are a person of wisdom and knowledge in your line of work.

When you can see what others can’t or may miss, you become very valuable in your field.

I have learned that you don’t rush into a project just for the money or fear of not getting the job. I rather have less and have them done as perfect as I can, than rushing, being late, cutting corners and not delivering my best. Just to say I have a lot of clients. It’s not worth it, and you will burn out quickly.

Guys, it’s Friday! Mo matter what. You made it to the last day of the work week. Don’t get too hard on yourself. Thank the Lord for this day! Ask him for wisdom, and remember he is the one that gives you the power to make wealth in order to confirm his covenant with you.

Have a great weekend! See you Monday, as we plan to become better and achieve more in the coming week!

God bless!

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